Spirit Decorative Bins Upgrade

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Driving in my neighborhood I found 2 decorative bins in the snow bank out for trash. I wish I could of taken a picture of how I found them. The whole time I was thinking why would you throw out these decorative bins? They just need a little love. My son was so excited that we found them and told Daddy (as soon as we walked in the door) “look at what we got out of the trash.” He was so proud. Daddy had his usual reaction, haha!
The Rules:
- Upcycle an item(s) from a thrift store, resale store, or garage sale into a new piece of decor.
- There’s no monthly theme.
- There’s no budget to stick to.
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Amanda | Domestically Creative
Angela | Simply Beautiful by Angela – Jeanie | Create and Babble
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Our Decorative Bin Upgrade
To redo these decorative bins, all they needed was a good cleaning, paint, and a little putty to fix the scratches. We took off the front of the bins and my husband puttied and sanded the scratches on the front of the bin. Then they were ready to paint.
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After a good cleaning I painted the inside of the bins with Rust-Oleum 285140 Ultra Matte Interior Chalked Paint 30 oz, Linen White.

For the front and the outside of the bins I used FolkArt Home Decor Chalk Paint in Lilac

This chalk paint took 3 coats to cover the bins. I felt like this was the never ending painting project. I have no idea why, but in the pictures the bins looks different colors. In person the bins are the true color of the one on the right.

I am in the process of redecorating our 2 year olds room because our Princess wears cowgirl boots. To decorate the bins I am going use the Spirit Logo and an image of a horse that I created in Cricut Design Space. Spirit Riding Free is her favorite show and favorite toys to play with. On my Cricut I will cut the images in Oracal 641 Matte Vinyl Sheets in Dark Blue. This is my first time using the Oracal 641, it’s just like Oracal 651, but it’s a matte finish instead of glossy. I’m loving the matte finish.

Her room has “gone country.” The bins fit perfectly on her changing table that we turned into a toy self and will hold her books.

My daughter loves her new bins and placed Spirt, his friends, and a pony next to them to help me take a picture.

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And now for more thrifty goodness!
Check out what my fellow upcyclers created below!