Easy School Age Activity for Summer- Beach Ball Sharpie Craft

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Being out of school for the summer brings happiness to kids and parents! I was so happy for no more homework, the schedule or packing lunches. It was time for fun, fun, fun in the sun! I love keeping the kids busy, but not too busy (enough to keep them from being bored). My son kept asking me to buy these beach balls to color and I thought what a fun summer craft, but I wasn’t paying that much for it. Parents will love this craft because there is no prep and it’s cheap. This is a perfect school age activity for summer, that the kids will go crazy for.
I love easy! If I see easy recipe, easy craft, easy home decor, easy gardening, I will always click. Easy makes my life easy. When I talk about no prep, all you have to do is have some Sharpies and an inflatable beach ball. You might already have these things (we did) or grab them at the store. Honestly this was just a fun activity my kids asked to do, but when I saw how much fun they were having, I knew I had to share it.
Easy School Age Activity for Summer- Beach Ball Sharpie Craft
So many times I look up ideas for summer crafts and so many of them are adorable, but my kids have out grown them. Since this craft uses Sharpies its best for school age kids. My kids are 8 and 6 (it worked so well). Just because we all know Sharpies are permanent. Plus you don’t have to be a “crafty mom” or artistic to make this. Just grab a beach ball and some Sharpies .
Summer craft with sharpies are fun at home, with friends or at a party.
Best Times to do the Beach Ball Summer Craft
-Summer Camp or Summer Camp at Home
-Pool Party
-Play Date
-Birthday Party
-Rainy Day Craft
-Just for Fun
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Summer Craft with Sharpies
Start by blowing up the beach balls. I honestly think you can decorate them either way, but my kids beach balls were already inflated. Put out the Sharpies and let the kids doodle and draw all over their beach ball. My kids think Sharpies are the coolest and had so much fun.
I wasn’t sure how long this would last (you just never know with kids), but they spent about an hour decorating them. They had so much fun together discussing what they were drawing, thinking about drawing and how cool each of their beach balls are. The kids drew their favorite characters, flowers, did some coloring, created polka dots, and a whole lot more. They made each section of the beach ball themed.
My son made his beach ball all of his favorite things- Minecraft and ocean animals. He’s so proud of it.
My daughter did some coloring and drew lots of flowers. She’s so proud of her ball too.
The best part of all of this, is no more arguing over who’s beach ball is who’s. You can totally tell now since the beach balls are personalized with their drawings.
I know this will be the first of more beach ball Sharpie crafts this summer because the kids loved it, had so much fun drawing and it’s easy. I know your kids will love it too.