Storage Box for Kids Artwork and School Papers

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The school year will be starting for us in a few weeks and honestly I still have piles of artwork and school work in the basement. Who else is with me? The paper clutter of school work and artwork is so overwhelming to me. A storage box for kids artwork and school papers came to me one day when I was piling all of the artwork up. I really wanted to create a memory box for each of my kids of all the memorabilia, artwork, and school papers. To stay on track during the school year for dates, paper work and more I rely on my command center.
Many of you are probably asking how do you store kid’s artwork? School work? How can I save my child’s artwork? School work? A plastic container is the answer for the artwork. My hope is to have one container per child, but that’s going to be tough. For the school papers, I use a large three ring binder to put all the school papers in that I keep and have dividers for each grade level. So far I have preschool and kindergarten in the same binder and still have plenty of room for more.
Supplies for Saving, Storing, and Organizing your Child’s Artwork and School Work
Large Plastic Container
Foam Board
Exacto Knife or Scissors
Scrapbook Paper
Hot Glue Gun
Pictures of your Child
I love everything my kids make and bring home so it’s hard for me to choose what to keep and what to throw away. Honestly I would keep it all, but there’s just no way I can do that.
One thing I do is keep all the seasonal or holiday artwork until after the holiday and pick my favorites to keep. For school work, I keep all the papers for a month or sometimes a week (this truly depends on how much comes home) and then from the paper clutter, I choose the best ones. Then hide the evidence of what you throw out because if your kids are like mine, they will go crazy to see their stuff in the garbage. Also at the end of the school year, I go back again through the artwork/school work to keep some and throw some more away. I’m sentimental so I know I keep more than I should.
Let’s Create a Storage Box for Kids Artwork and School Papers
Once you have the supplies and you have gone through the work of organizing, sorting, and saving the artwork/school paper, it’s time to create the storage box.
Cut the foam board to fit inside the plastic container. I did each foam piece 12×12, that wasn’t my original plan, but the container gets narrow at the bottom.
Then I hot glued scrapbook paper to the foam board.
The foam board will work as the divider for each grade level. On the divider, I’m going to put the school name, a picture, the year and the teachers names.
Also you can let the kids get involved and they can help decorate the dividers for each school year. This will be the cutest memory box when they are older of all their school memorabilia and it will all be in one place.
For me I’m starting this a little late, but better late than never. The foam dividers will be chunky and easy to see the separation between the years. After starting to put this memory box together of artwork, I realize I still have a lot of paper clutter. Having a creative kid who likes to make new drawings and craft projects all the time, makes for a lot of paper clutter.
I hope this has helped with storage ideas for your child’s artwork and school work so it can be saved, stored, and organized.